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Engage with Us

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  • Speaker Request
  • Licensing

Ho Chi Minh City Office


61 Hoa Sua, 7 Ward

Phu Nhuan District


HCMC, Viet Nam

View our location on Google Maps.

Tel: +84 81888 3037

We offer the opportunity for SFDRC and EPMA members and key SDTCL staff to speak at conferences or to participate in panel discussions.

To submit a speaking engagement request please complete the webform below.

Please note that we receive many requests of this nature, and that as a not-for-profit, public interest organisation the SFDRC will normally charge to speak at conferences organised on a commercial basis. Please allow 10-20 working days to receive a response to your request.

Licensing the SFDRC’s intellectual property

The SFDRC generates an important part of its income from the use of the Foundation’s intellectual property (IP). This includes its content and trade marks, and the processes required for seeking permission to reproduce any of our IP are outlined below.

As the originator and owner of SURE Seamless ESG Platform, including Members Registry Data, ESG Data Metric and Viet Nam ESG Standards (collectively the ‘Standards’), we engage in licensing our Platform and Standards to third parties wishing to reproduce them in their own products and services or distribute them in different jurisdictions.

Our licensing activities generally fall into two main areas: permission and licence agreements

Permission Agreement

If you are looking to include some of our IP in a one-off publication (hard copy or digital) you are required to seek the permission of the SFDRC.

Please fill in the permission request form to start the process. Once you have completed the form please send it to contact@sfdrc.org. We aim to respond to all permission requests within 30 days.

License Agreement

If you have or are looking to create an ongoing product or service that uses any of our IP (for example a business intelligence database, an eLearning product or a series of face-to-face training courses with or without support material) a licence agreement will generally be more appropriate for your needs than a permission agreement.

Please complete the licensee questionnaire to provide an overview of the use you wish to make of our IP. Once you have completed the form, send it to contact@sfdrc.org and we will be in contact within the next 30 days.

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